Thursday, January 26, 2023

Holiday fun with friends

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

The summer holidays are quickly coming to an end. Your dad has taken all of January and February off to spend time with you all while I have worked full-time, and you have all had a great time together. Most notably, you've been having more sleepovers with friends Matt, both at our house and at theirs. Youve stayed at Lockie and Heath's, as well as Michael's, and your cousin Harry's. You also seem to be at Michael's house every other day, as you plan catch ups over your ipads and come to us with a plan. With your dad home, we've had so much extra flexibility to make these catch-ups happen which has been great. Below are some photos of you all having a sleepover in our big bed, and you all enjoying time with your mates during sleepovers. 

Matt, you have the same teacher as last year in school which we all happy about as he was amazing and connected with you so well, and Tobes your teacher is apparently lovely as well, so I have a feeling we're going to have a great start to the school year (fingers crossed anyway!). This is your first year of full-time school Tobes, and while you have been saying you don't want to go, you love it when you're there (especially playing with your friends). Daddy will be doing drop-offs for the first month with you all and then I'll take over in March. Luckily I still get to do first-day drop-offs with you on your first day later this week. 

Love you all,

Mum xxx


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