Sunday, January 22, 2023

Moore River for New Years

 Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie, 

For New Years this year we set out to Moore River for three nights with our friends the Walkers. Matt you used to be in Claudia's class and Toby you are in Vivienne's class. Their middle sister, Audrey, is a year older than you Tobes. Their mum and dad, Brigit and Jon, are our good friends. We hired the very last house in Moore River that was available and had an awesome time together. This was our third New Years in a row that we had spent with the Walkers! 

On day one we arrived just as the ice cream truck was coming down the road and the Walkers were arriving, so we all had a great a soft serve and then went down to the foreshore to check out where the river meets the ocean. The view was beautiful and I'd never see a sandbank diving up the river and ocean like this before. The river was nice and shallow for kids to play in, but if you wanted waves, the ocean was just a few metres away. For dinner we had make your own pizza and yummy pasta, then took a walk at night with your glow sticks on because it was new years. We then put you guys to bed and the parents all watched a movie. It was a lovely way to welcome 2023!

The next day we all headed to the beach again for a few hours. Matt you used the Walker's kayak to paddle around the river. Jon then took you four wheel driving in the afternoon. We had a yummy barbecue for dinner and tried some fishing at the local jetty. 

The next day we headed to the beach again haha! Josie you loved walking up to the top of the lookout up the many many steps. After a few hours we headed back home for some lunch and to say goodbye to the Walkers and then Matt, you and daddy headed off to fish again and you caught your first (2!) fish! So exciting. 

We loved our time in Moore River, especially how close it is to Perth! Hopefully we'll spend New Years with the same crew again later this year as it was so nice to travel with another family, as you guys always had someone to play with. 

Love you all, 

Mum xxx

P.S The below photos are all over the shop, but at least you can see what we were up to over the three days!

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