Sunday, August 18, 2013

31 weeks today

Dear Matthew

I am typing this on an iPad that is being propped up by my bump, of which you are inside. 

Today was an interesting day, as all of a sudden my pregnancy with you went from totally normal to what-the-hell-is-happening to oh my god, I'm such a goose. 

Up until today I had experienced nothing that totally stumped me. I have experienced only mild nausea, no vomiting, no stretch marks (touch wood), no popped belly button, no swelling, no gestational diabetes, no high blood pressure, nothing that stopped me in my tracks. Even leaking boobs and 16kg of weight gain have been taken, although somewhat annoyingly, in my stride (although I do complain constantly to the girls at work about these things). Today changed all that. 

I wet my pants. 

I woke up around 7am and, like any other morning, I headed straight to the loo. I emptied my bladder, washed my hands and headed out the back to get the clothes off the line that I wanted to wear today. While lifting my arms up to pull clothes off the line, I started to wee myself uncontrollably. My undies and pants were soaked through. I started freaking out, it just didn't make sense- I had JUST been to the loo. I called out to your dad who came running as I headed back to the bathroom to clean up. I showed him my pants and- this is how awesome your dad is- he smelled my undies and pants, and said he thought it was wee. I on the other hand wasn't so sure, so I called our lovely midwife friend Mel for reassurance. After a few phone calls and monitoring Mel thought it was simply me wetting my pants and not what I dreaded- my waters breaking at 31 weeks. I felt like a nutter, but a calmer nutter at least. 

However in between the phone calls I had freaked out and let my wonderful work friends know that work was a no go for me today. They of course understood. 

Ah, pregnancy. 7 months of oh-so-predictable behaviour then BAM! You're ankle deep in wee. Fun times :)

Anyway, I will always remember my 31 week milestone as it has taught me that at times in life, you can't control whether or not you pee yourself. This I will try to remember as I change your nappy for the tenth time in a day. 


Mum xxx

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