Thursday, August 8, 2013

Just so you know...

Dear Keene kids

I have always wanted you. For as long as I can remember.

When I was in year two at school each student in my class was asked what they want to be when they grow up. Nurse, policeman, zoo keeper. When it was my turn, I confidently answered 'mum'. My teacher, clearly unimpressed but not wanting to offend me, asked me what else I would want to be, as well as being a mum. Eager to please, I answered 'be a teacher', but couldn't understand what was wrong with my original answer.

I remember discussing with your daddy during exam periods when we'd take a break and go for a walk along the river, that all our stress over our law exams was worthwhile, as we were 'loving our kids before we meet them' by ensuring their mum and dad were educated before they come along. With four degrees between us, I hope we have done you proud.

I have never ingested or injected an illegal drug, smoked, drunk excessively, been overweight or pushed my body to an extreme. It was always in the back of my mind that my body would be needed to make you, so I better look after it as best I can.

While you aren't born yet, know that I have been waiting a long time to meet you, and once you are here I will never want anything else.


Mum xxx

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