Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A taste of curry

Dear Matthew

Last night while I was holding you with one arm and eating curry with the other, you tried to eat the curry off my spoon as I was moving it from the bowl to my mouth! I was shocked and amused!

This signals the start of you almost being ready for solid foods! For almost 5 months now my breast milk has been your only food source, but that is soon to change!

It's funny how, when I first started breast feeding you, I was literally counting down the weeks till you weren't chained to me. Now, with 5 weeks till your 6 month half-birthday, I feel it's just another thing that's taking my baby away from me! Never mind, my job is to make you independent, and eating food is a massive part of that!

Plus now your dad can help with feeds!

Here you are about a month ago, trying out your awesome Ikea high chair (apparently its the best, luckily it's also the cheapest!). Soon you'll be drinking out of those cups! More updates to follow when we give you your first tasting around Easter (sorry, no chocolate this year!). 

And if I haven't said it recently, know that I love you very very much. You are the reason my heart beats. 


Mum xxx

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