Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Family Cot

Dear Matthew

Recently you have been lucky enough to sleep in the Haynes family cot. 

This is the cot that your Grandma and all of her brothers and sisters slept in as babies (Uncle John was the first at over 66 years ago). 

I put the below photo of you on Facebook and asked family members around the globe to comment as to who has slept in the cot. 

At our last count, you made 24. 

24 babies! What a specialty tradition you have been part of. 

You had your first sleep over in it last Saturday at Grandma and Gramps' house. This was also the first time we had left you for more than about twenty minutes.  You were very well behaved, thank goodness. We are going to try and leave you with family members regularly so that the transition to day care is easier later in the year, however some separation anxiety is of course expected (from both parties!). 

As an aside- I love your smile. It is the most addictive thing I have ever experienced.


Mum xxx

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