Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My little baby is growing up

Dear Matthew

Today you sat up by yourself for a good ten seconds, albeit very hunched over. 

While I am incredibly proud of you for doing this, I am no longer surprised by your continuous developments. 

I don't mean this in a bad way. What I mean is, you are growing and learning each day and it is inevitable that you will be able to accomplish new things as time goes on. 

And in an odd way that makes me sad. Sad because I am losing my precious baby. 

I know that your milk breath will not last forever. The coos you make while sleeping are slowly disappearing. 

You are growing. Growing into a beautiful little boy. 

Every day I remind myself that you are on loan from the world for such a small amount of time. Time that seems to be passing so, so quickly. 

And so I breathe you in and thank God I get you for now.


Mum xxx

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