Monday, June 23, 2014

It's all happening

Dear Matthew

Over the past couple of days you have learned to sit pretty much unassisted, you can pull yourself up on your dad to a standing position and you copy me when I call Soda and smack  my hand on my leg a couple of times to get her attention. It is so so awesome to watch you change before our eyes. It is magic. 

What's been even better is that your dad has recently quit his job as a lawyer and is starting a non-lawyer job on Monday, but has had six whole weeks between jobs to enjoy you and spend time with you. It's been great to be able to share those special moments with your dad, who would have almost definitely missed out otherwise. 

Can't wait to see what you do tomorrow. 


Mum xxx

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Your daddy

Dear Matthew

You adore your daddy. And why wouldn't you. You now lunge to be held by him and get excited when you see him. He is your idol and I couldn't be happier. And he loves you so much. 

You are one lucky little boy :)


Mum xxx

Curry laksa and tomatoes

Dear Matthew

When you were in my belly I couldn't stop eating toasted tomato sandwiches (I had at least two rounds per day) and of course, I couldn't keep away from my favourite curry laksa. 

So I wasn't surprised when we visited Cafe 55 recently, home of my favourite curry laksa, and you dug into some noodles from the laksa without hestitation. Nor was I surprised when you grabbed the tomato I was eating at home one day and started eating it like an apple.

I love how you're happy to eat anything your mum is eating, I don't know how I would have handled a fussy baby when it comes to food! Thanks for being so easy going and willing to try just about anything (so far the only thing you don't like is mangos, but I hated them as a kid too, so you might also grow out of it). 


Mum xxx

My sick baby

Dear Matthew

Unfortunately you and I were struck down with a cold recently that seemed to go on forever. It was so horrible to see you suffering, especially given you weren't able to breath and breastfeed at the same time very well. Luckily your dad has been at home recently and your grandparents have visited lots to help out (we may have infected them, whoops). 

It has finally lifted but only after you had 2 visits from after hours GPs, I had one visit and a course of antibiotics to help with my bronchitis and a ton of bed rest for us both. 

I'm glad we have survived but I am now dreading when you go to daycare (where every possible illness spreads like wildfire) as it is not fun having a sick baby and being helpless. Hopefully the fact that I'm still breastfeeding you will help. And of course, the positive is that we're building your immune system. Just wish there was an easier way!


Mum xxx

You're on the move!

Dear Matthew

Just after you tuned 7 months old, you started moving forward! Yay! You had been moving backwards for a little while but started shuffling forward by pushing your arms up, lunging forward and slamming your tummy down, then repeating the process. We now have to really keep an eye on you as you can get around quickly. 

The items that got you moving were half a carrot, my mobile and the iPad. Toys just didn't cut it!

You especially like to head towards Soda's bowl and the heater, and when your dad and I sternly say 'Matthew, NO', you just turn around, smile at us, then turn back and keep heading towards the bowl/heater. You're a cheeky monkey.

So proud of you baby boy.


Mum xxx

Playground fun

Dear Matthew

Lately we've been introducing you to the local playgrounds. You're very much a hands on kid, and have really enjoyed it. Here are some of my favourite pics of our walks and adventures playing!


Mum xxx