Thursday, June 19, 2014

You're on the move!

Dear Matthew

Just after you tuned 7 months old, you started moving forward! Yay! You had been moving backwards for a little while but started shuffling forward by pushing your arms up, lunging forward and slamming your tummy down, then repeating the process. We now have to really keep an eye on you as you can get around quickly. 

The items that got you moving were half a carrot, my mobile and the iPad. Toys just didn't cut it!

You especially like to head towards Soda's bowl and the heater, and when your dad and I sternly say 'Matthew, NO', you just turn around, smile at us, then turn back and keep heading towards the bowl/heater. You're a cheeky monkey.

So proud of you baby boy.


Mum xxx

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