Thursday, June 19, 2014

My sick baby

Dear Matthew

Unfortunately you and I were struck down with a cold recently that seemed to go on forever. It was so horrible to see you suffering, especially given you weren't able to breath and breastfeed at the same time very well. Luckily your dad has been at home recently and your grandparents have visited lots to help out (we may have infected them, whoops). 

It has finally lifted but only after you had 2 visits from after hours GPs, I had one visit and a course of antibiotics to help with my bronchitis and a ton of bed rest for us both. 

I'm glad we have survived but I am now dreading when you go to daycare (where every possible illness spreads like wildfire) as it is not fun having a sick baby and being helpless. Hopefully the fact that I'm still breastfeeding you will help. And of course, the positive is that we're building your immune system. Just wish there was an easier way!


Mum xxx

1 comment:

  1. Awww! Matthew is such an adorable baby, even though it's evident that he wasn't feeling well. It’s really heartbreaking to see him suffer from colds and fever. I’m just glad that you were by his side at all times, giving him comfort and love. After all, tender loving care, is by far, the best medicine. Thanks you for sharing that, Debbie! I hope that you guys are all faring better these days. Take care!

    Candace Hudson @ MedCare Pediatric
