Thursday, June 19, 2014

Curry laksa and tomatoes

Dear Matthew

When you were in my belly I couldn't stop eating toasted tomato sandwiches (I had at least two rounds per day) and of course, I couldn't keep away from my favourite curry laksa. 

So I wasn't surprised when we visited Cafe 55 recently, home of my favourite curry laksa, and you dug into some noodles from the laksa without hestitation. Nor was I surprised when you grabbed the tomato I was eating at home one day and started eating it like an apple.

I love how you're happy to eat anything your mum is eating, I don't know how I would have handled a fussy baby when it comes to food! Thanks for being so easy going and willing to try just about anything (so far the only thing you don't like is mangos, but I hated them as a kid too, so you might also grow out of it). 


Mum xxx

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