Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Daddy's birthday

Dear Matthew

Last month your dad turned 32 (he be old). Although, according to his cake he turned 30 again, which isn't so bad (I was a bit underprepared when it came to candles).

We had a breaky with grandad and Maree the day before his birthday, dinner with grandma, gramps, uncle Andrew and aunty Robyn that night, a yummy Indian takeaway dinner with just us three on his actual birthday and then fish and chips for dinner at Heathcote with nanna and Darryl the day after. Phew! There was a lot of eating involved, and cake!

Below are some of my favourite photos from the dinner with grandma and gramps as well as some recent photos of you and your daddy that are just beautiful. 

Love you my gorgeous boy,

Mum xxx

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