Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Let's go camping!

Dear Matthew

Last weekend we headed up to Jurien Bay for our first camping trip as a family, including Soda. Your nanna and Darryl, as well as nan and grandad headed up to as Darryl was going to skydive (he had been given it as a gift from his kids for his 50th). 

You were great in the car on the way up (even though your naughty parents forgot to change your nappy before we left so you soaked through) and Soda didn't make a peep. Once we arrived at the tourist park we set up the tent under Darryl's expert supervision and chilled out for the rest of the afternoon at nan and grandad's chalet, eating fresh watermelon which you devoured. 

For dinner we had a barbeque and you jumped on the giant inflated balloon at the park. After dinner we listened to a crazy old man 'sing' and play guitar before passing out on the air mattress. 

In the morning we packed down the tent, went to the beach for a bit where we met up with Darryl"s kids and then watched Darryl jump out of a plane. You were so exhausted from a crazy two days you slept the whole way home and then another hour on the couch once we'd arrived home (with your face on a bocce ball, go figure). 

It was a lovely weekend and a great introduction to camping for us with a toddler. Will definitely be doing it again sometime soon. You are the best bub to travel with, so easy going and just love every new experience. 

Love you darling,

Mum xxx

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