Sunday, March 29, 2015

The difference a day makes

Dear Matthew

Today when we were playing together in your room, you were playing with your colourful shapes jigsaw puzzle, and you put all the pieces back where they belonged, perfectly first time. You could recognise their spots based on the shape and colour without any prompting from me. I was so excited and dumbfounded. Pretty sure we did the same activity yesterday with no such success. Just goes to show how quickly your brain is developing!! It's just amazing to watch. 

Your language has also exploded yet again, my guess would be that you have 65-70 words that you can use in context. Today you learnt 'boat' and surprised me by pointing at the stars and saying 'stars!' very clearly (gramps had taught you that one apparently). 

You also tell us all about what you can see when we're driving in the car: 'Bus! Truck! Car!'  You also like the fact that there's three houses being built around our house at the moment as it means you have lots of exposure to diggers, bob cats, cement mixers etc and love watching the garbage truck come past every Thursday morning. You also love sitting in the front seat of our car (and that of each of your grandparents) and 'driving' it, while making lots of broom brooming noises. 

My guess is you like machines- maybe you'll be an engineer? A mechanic? A construction worker? We'll just have to wait and see won't we :)

Love you my machine boy, 

Mum xxx

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