Sunday, April 19, 2015

Your second Easter

Dear Matthew

Well this Easter was definitely a lot more fun than last year because for the first time you were able to go on an Easter egg hunt! Yay! But let me back up a bit. 

The long weekend started with lunch at grandma and gramps' house on Good Friday. It was a yummy seafood affair, randomly interrupted by a bit of a domestic brawl going on across the road (gramps and your dad (and the police) sorted it out). In lieu of Easter eggs grandma bought you a tent which took me, grandma, Aunty Robyn and Uncle Andrew tooooo long to put up! So funny and embarrassing. 

On the Saturday we went to Piney Lakes where you fed the ducks and ran around with Soda. You are big enough now to hold her lead (if she doesn't run off all of a sudden, because then you face plant it) and love being the one in control of her. You crack it at your mum and dad of we dare to hold the lead :)

On Easter Sunday you woke to find the Easter bunny had been to our house and had a great time collecting the Easter eggs that were scattered all over the front porch. I loved watching you do this, surrounded by Easter bunny footprints as it was just like what I had done as a kid. You also managed to unwrap one of the larger eggs very quickly and popped it into your mouth. Despite my best efforts the whole thing disappeared down your throat. Oh well! It was Easter after all!!

For lunch we headed to Aunty Chantel's place and had a yummy barbeque. You enjoyed playing with your cousins and got to try out the cool police car that Nanna and Darryl bought you (although Harrison tried to make sure you didn't!). 

On the Monday we just relaxed at home and made a quick trip to Bunnings where you got to push your very own trolley (and would try and move our hands away should we try to touch it when you were headed into something). It was a lovely weekend and as usual you were a joy to be around. 

Love you,

Mum xxx

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