Monday, April 27, 2015

Aaahhh? Teef?

Dear Matthew

Every night before we go to bed, you and I head into the bathroom to brush your teeth. 

I've tried to make this a fun time, because it's never easy to brush a toddler's teeth and so I've tried to associate it with laughter so that you'll be more willing to oblige me sticking a toothbrush in your mouth and moving it around everywhere! So I tickle you and we giggle lots. I've also taught you to make an 'aaahhhh' sound so that you open up nice and wide. 

For some reason you like to hold every toothbrush that we have in the house while we do it (about six, don't ask me why we have so many in a three person house) and like to brush my teeth for me while we're at it too. You also like to stick your head under the tap to drink water and always come up smiling :)

Hopefully all this teeth cleaning prevents any cavities building up, especially around your lip tie. 

Thanks for being a fun teeth-brusherer. It's so nice to have a good laugh every night before we settle down for cuddles and ni nise. 

Love you Matteus,

Mum xxx

P.S. The bruises and scratches in the photos below are from when we were playing out the back and you refused to let me help you down the stairs. So I went down them to play with Soda, turned around a second later and you were at the bottom of the stairs on your back, whoops! 

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