Monday, April 27, 2015

S#%t parents say

Dear Matthew

I just had to quickly jot this down. Because it was a real 'my kid will never do that because I'm the perfect parent' failure. And it's funny. 

We were out the back and I was trying to hussle you inside so we could take Soda to the park. I picked you up to speed things up but somehow managed to drop your dummy while doing so. Without thinking I said 'shit!' It wasn't done loudly, just a passing comment at the situation. And lo and behold, what comes out of my little parrot's mouth but a very certain 'shit'. And I couldn't very well tell you off about it because hash tag hypocrite. So I just laughed silently to myself and carried on. I figure I don't swear often so I doubt you'll say it again but if you do I can only blame myself (or your dad, but mostly he just screams obscenities at the tv when the Eagles are playing). 

Speaking of surprising language, you also tried to sing row, row, row your boat to me tonight and have a vocabulary of about 120 words (I stopped counting at 100). Not bad for 18 months! Not surprised we raised a chatterbox though, and over the moon about it. I love being able to communicate with you! Makes life so much easier. You're also starting to acquire quite a few two word sentences such as 'all gone', 'some more' and 'where's gone?' So proud of my little genius :) 

Love you monkey Matthew, 

Mum xxx

P.S. Random (mostly) recent photos below. Just because. 

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