Thursday, May 21, 2015

Oh how the seasons change!

Dear Matthew

This time last year I took some gorgeous photos of you in the leaves outside grandma and gramps' house. I said to myself that I couldn't wait till the following year because I knew we'd run through them together then. 

A few weeks ago we did just that, and it made me so so happy. I've realised I'm much more of a kid-mum than a baby-mum, and while having a newborn and baby is beautiful, it's also exceptionally hard, and at times extremely lonely. Now that you're a toddler we can do fun things together and we can have ACTUAL CONVERSATIONS haha! So important to your chatterbox of a mother. Your vocabulary is extraordinary, you're forming lots of two and three word sentences and this morning you waved and said hi which was the last thing you  needed to learn by 18 months according to your purple child health book (you waved to the Cars movie playing on tv but whatever!). 

So! Here's a few snippets of you in the lovely autumn leaves this year. Another tradition continues :)

Love you Matteus,

Mum xxx

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