Friday, May 22, 2015

Officially off the charts

Dear Matthew

When we had your 18 month check up lately with the child health nurse she did her usual measurements- weight, head circumference, height etc and turns out you are officially off the charts for height (see below). We always thought you were tall and of course were expected to be because of your genes but this was the first time you'd measured beyond the 97th percentile (most kids sit somewhere in the 3rd to 97th percentile range). At gymbakids you're the youngest but tallest in the class and at 19 months a size 3 fits you perfectly (size is usually correlated to age in kids). 

Hopefully you like a sport that values height such as rowing, basketball or rugby, and are happy to live on bread so that we're not eaten out of house and home as you grow!

Can't believe that one day I will physically have to look up to your face when right now I can carry you around in my hip with just one arm (although you help to keep you there by gripping with your legs and one hand on my arm). Hopefully the time between now and then doesn't disappear too quickly. 

Love you my big bubba,

Mum xxx

P.S. I took the footprints photo after a family walk on a wintery day last weekend. The footprints belong to you, your dad and Soda. 

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