Thursday, May 21, 2015

My little seal

Dear Matthew

Unfortunately for the past couple of days you have had croup, so we have been stuck inside where it's warm watching tv, playing blocks and drawing with your crayons. It started last Sunday with a horrible fever which continued through Monday. We thought you were getting over it so I went to work on Tuesday and left you with your Nanna and Darryl as usual but when Darryl called me to come home in the afternoon because of your chesty cough and the fact that you were inconsolable (even by Nanna! Crazy!) I knew we were in for it. Lo and behold the after hours GP confirmed what your Nanna guessed it was- croup.

So you've been sounding like a very cute little seal since then and have slept on top of me the last four nights but tonight (Thursday) you had a feed and then rolled over on the mattress and fell asleep yourself so that's a good sign that you're on the mend. 

Below is a photo I took of you during your nap that I sent your dad showing my successful transfer after you fell asleep in my arms and many a photo of you devouring a mint slice chocolate biscuit while we waited for the GP on Tuesday because mummy can't handle you being in pain. Also one from Monday night when you needed to stay cuddled up to me all night long just to get some rest, my poor bub. 

Yay for your immunity but boo for you being in pain my darling boy. 

Love you, 

Mum xxx

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