Monday, October 26, 2015

Your birthday party

Dear Matthew

The weekend before your birthday we had a picnic at the Dr Seuss park in Melville with our closest family members. It was only afterwards that I realised we actually had four generations on each side of the family there so should have grabbed the opportunity to get a photo with everyone- hindsight is a wonderful thing. Anyway we had a lovely time celebrating our your second birthday and you enjoyed having a dozen or so doting family members playing with you and showering you with presents.

kept my promise and made your digger cake (I found an excellent blog to follow for instructions) and as I had it ready a day early in the fridge, I showed it to you and you kept saying 'Wow! Digger! In the fridge! With rocks (chocolate covered sultanas)!' It was so beautiful watching your reaction and it's further spurred me on to up the anti for next year's cake! Although you'll see from the photos you weren't too impressed when people were singing happy birthday to you- the look on your face is priceless!!

I'm glad you had a lovely day my gorgeous baby boy- you ended up sleeping for about three hours that afternoon so I know you must have had a good time!!

Love you to the moon and back,

Mum xxx

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