Monday, October 26, 2015

Your epic sandpit

Dear Matthew

In the lead up to your birthday your dad and I decided to gift you a big sandpit in lieu of wrapped gifts, because we knew you'd get a tonne of presents from friends and family (which eventuated) and that you'd get more out of the sensory environment of a sandpit. In other words, you were going to love it. You already had a clam shell sandpit but it just wasn't the same, and we wanted to get you a sit on digger to play with too.

So your dad set to work digging a nice big hole in the backyard where grass was struggling to grow and laid limestone bricks around in a rectangle shape, joining them with cement. He placed plenty of weed mat down and your gramps dropped off a trailer load of white sand. Your dad lugged this around the back bucket load by bucket load till eventually you had the amazing sand pit that you'll see in the photos below. He's currently still landscaping around it with succulents and pebbles. We'll probably put some woodchips down and some stepping stones near by but haven't quite decided just what to do as yet.

Anyway, I tell you this because I want you to know that it was a labour of love by your wonderful dad, and that you are quite a lucky boy to have the epic sandpit that you do!

Enjoy it my darling.


Mum xxx


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