Monday, October 26, 2015

Your second birthday!

Dear Matthew

Last Thursday you turned two! I am so in love with you and the amazing little person you are. You are so loving, easy going and fun that it makes my heart burst with pride to think that I get to be your mum. I am so grateful that you were chosen for us and that I get to watch you grown up and be a big part of your life. I am forever in debt to the universe for you, my darling child.

Luckily I have the morning off on Thursdays so got to watch you discover that your sandpit contained your present from your mum and dad first thing in the morning - your digger! Your dad had been up till midnight putting it together (it wasn't that hard, it's just that his indoor cricket game didn't start until 9:30 so it was always going to be a late one for him) and we'd written you a birthday message in the pit (because you could obviously read it). You went straight to it and now, after a couple of days, you are an old pro at it. I can't believe how quickly you have mastered it, you amaze us every day.

We then headed off to gymbakids for our morning class because you spent the arvo with Ma Ma (grandma) until your dad picked you up (as I had gone to work). In the evening I brought you home a cupcake from work and your dad and I sung you happy birthday. You concentrated so hard on the candle blowing- it was so gorgeous to watch!

We hope you had a lovely actual birthday and have been told by friends that next year you'll actually know what a birthday is so I'm already excited to celebrate it with you!!

Love you my perfect two year old (can't believe how quickly this time has flewn!),

Mum xxx

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