Monday, June 6, 2016

Playgroup and Mother's Day

Dear Matthew
Last month, after a few weeks of difficulty getting you to sit on the mat during gymbakids and running around disturbing the class, I decided it was time to move on from gymbakids (at least for the moment) and try playgroup.
We joined the local group that your friend Charlotte from mother's group is a part of and (the first week at least), you seemed to really enjoy it. I was surprised at how easily you joined in with the kids, played on the toys and ate happily at the kids table during morning tea. Unfortunately the second week was a disaster and we had to leave early as you became upset in the bathroom when I went to change your nappy and simply couldn't be consoled. It's safe to say your mum is really struggling with transitioning you to new surroundings (you also had multiple tantrums at your school interviews last week, which I'll post about soon). Hopefully it's just a phase and you'll get better with time. 

We also celebrated Mother's Day where we had your grandma, gramps, nanna, Darryl and aunty Robyn come around for dinner. It was an interesting night with lots of different discussions to say the least! In any event it was great to have two sets of your grandparents together and to celebrate and show gratitude to your grandma and nanna for all the wonderful things that they do for us. 

Love you Matt,

Mum xxx

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