Monday, September 26, 2016

My green thumbed boy

Dear Matthew
A few months ago your dad and I started to really get into fixing up the back yard and part of that included adding a fruit and veggie patch to it. It includes a lemon/lime tree, fig tree, passionfruit tree, strawberries, lettuce, onions, broccoli, eggplant, cherry tomatoes, rosemary, mint and parsley.

You have always enjoyed helping in the garden and it’s almost impossible to do anything out there without hearing your beautiful voice say ‘wa help’ (meaning ‘I help’). Since planting the fruit and veggie patch it has become your ritual to take a bowl out to the backyard to the patch and pick whatever your heart desires (and calling it all ‘lettuce’), bringing it back inside for a wash and a big cuddle from mum or dad for your efforts. The look of pride on your gorgeous face is the best, you love helping your parents and despite the fact that you are slowly decimating the patch, we are so grateful you enjoy gardening and like being involved.

You have also started to enjoy almost-riding your trike, sometimes using the pedals and sometimes pushing yourself along with your feet. You especially like it when your mum gets on the trike (don’t ask me how I manage this or how I haven’t broken it yet by doing so) and you hop in your police car and I race you around the table and chairs out the back trying to catch you. It is so much fun to play with you now and our days seems to fly by.

Love you my green thumbed boy,
Mum xxx



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