Monday, November 28, 2016

Christmas preparations are underway!

Dear Matthew,
It's not even December yet but Christmas preparations are well underway!
We started back in October by helping your Ma Ma and Gumps put up the family tree (and left them to put up the 8 or 9 others on their own). Last week we had a family and friends Christmas lunch at Ma Ma and Gumps house and you had fun playing with my cousin Anna's daughter Rose (lovingly referred to by you as 'baby Rose).
Then on the weekend we were invited to your friends Thatcher and Marlow's grandad's house for their family Christmas get together (as they are leaving for Canada for Christmas in a few days) and you loved exploring their cubby and swimming in their lovely and warm pool!
On Sunday night your Ma Ma and Gumps came over to our house for Sunday roast and we put up the Christmas tree while watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, as per tradition. You helped Gramps put the star on the tree and were fascinated by the Peppa Pig bauble we bought you a few years ago for your collection.
Yesterday your friends Oliver and Samuel visited and you had a great time playing with them and giving them their Christmas presents too. In the afternoon you also discovered that the advent calendar was filled with chocolates- so you grabbed a basket and told me to get out of the room while you proceeded to collect the chocolates into your basket! Love it!
We have also been making handprint tree decorations for your grandparents and great-grandparents and I've been cross-stitching a quote from Christmas Vacation for Ma Ma so we are definitely getting into the spirit of things!
It's such a great time of year!
Love you my little elf,
Mum xxx




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