Thursday, November 17, 2016

Halloween Party

Dear Matthew
At the end of last month we celebrated Halloween by attending a wonderful children's party hosted by your friend Thatcher and Marlow. We all got into the spirit of things and dressed up - you were a skeleton, your dad was a vampire and I was a wolf.
Thatcher and Marlow's mum Pia had made some spooktacular food and their dad Rod had decorated their cubby into a haunted house and you loved both.
As per the tradition, we also went trick-or-treating around the neighbourhood and you eagerly filled your bucket with chocolates and lollies. It was lovely to see you walking around with all the other kids having a great time.
Halloween wasn't really a big thing in my childhood (it's mostly an American tradition) but it's a lot of fun so I'm glad it's something you're going to enjoy throughout yours!
All my love my little skeleton,
Mum xxx

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