Saturday, April 15, 2017

A very Good Friday

Dear Matthew

Yesterday was Good Friday and in our usual traditional way we headed to Ma Ma and Gump's house for brunch. I scoffed my face full of ice-cream-covered waffles, hot cross buns, cooked eggs and mushrooms, fruit and caremel covered cinnamon scrolls. It was delicous!

To take the piss out of Ma Ma's obsession with Christmas we bought her an 'Easter' twig tree and some egg decorations. You had fun decorating the 'tree' and we'll no doubt add to the decorations every year from here on in.

You also did your usual Easter egg hunt which was a hoot for us all to watch. You kindly gave one egg to everyone else present and then tried to cram as many eggs in your mouth as quickly as you could before I took them off you.

In the afternoon we joined your Aunty Chantel, Andrew and all the kids at a local WAFL match. You had a blast running around with your cousins, running around on the oval and rolling down the hill near where we were sitting. Needless to say not much footy watching was going on but the team we were supporting was losing abismally so it didn't really matter. You were exhausted after such a full day but had obviously had a great time.

The Easter bunny isn't far off now my beautiful boy! And this year you actually understand what'd happening so it's extra special. You talk about the Easter bunny bringing eggs and tonight we watched an Easter movie where I think you really got what happens at Easter. Can't imagine what Christmas is going to be like :)

Love you my little bunny,

Love Mum xxx




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