Monday, April 10, 2017

An adventure park and Easter activities

Dear Matthew
On Saturday we caught up with Mother’s Group and at the Kwinana Adventure Park. It was lovely to catch up with your friends who we now don’t see very often given all the mums are back at work. The park itself was also amazing and you loved exploring it and especially enjoyed the water play area. Your dad took you on most the equipment and it was wonderful to watch you too exploring together.
The next day we went up to the local shopping centre where there was some Easter activities happening. Your enjoyed playing with the farm animals (you kept asking to pick up the rabbits/guinea pigs which you referred to as ‘Easter Bunnings’), decorating a cupcake and decorating an egg with glitter. You also surprised me by going up to the person dressed up at the Easter Bunny to collect an Easter egg. I was sure we were going to have a repeat of the Santa saga at Christmas where you refused to go anywhere near him but it’s downright amazing what the incentive of chocolate will do!
Looking forward to a lovely Easter weekend coming up at the end of the week.
Love you,
Mum xxx


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