Saturday, March 31, 2018

Ella's 9th birthday

Dear Matthew and Toby
A few weeks ago we celebrated your cousin Ella's 9th birthday with a party at her house.
To start the party we did shirt tie dyeing, which Matt you loved as you seem to enjoy any and all craft (which I'm so grateful for). You then joined the big kids in an awesome water bomb fight followed by a cling wrap ball game like you'd played at Christmas (I'd made this one too). You did so well at both of these, even won a few prizes by ripping away layers of cling wrap with your wig and tutu on!
We then played musical bobs and statues and you and Harry were so cute dancing and trying to beat the big kids, who were very sweet to let you continue to join in when you were both very obviously out. Afterwards we sung happy birthday to Ella and had an awesome jelly cake that your nanna had made and a ice cream sundae buffet was enjoyed by all.
It was a really fun night celebrating your beautiful cousin Ella. She has always looked out for you two and I hope you know just how special she is.
Love you,
Mum xxx

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