Saturday, March 31, 2018

Matt's first liturgy

Dear Matthew and Toby
Last Tuesday Matt's kindy class hosted an Easter liturgy at school. It was so lovely, held in the Church. I was holding Toby at the back most of the time so didn't get the best view but luckily Matt you were on the top step so I got to watch you sing your songs. You had been practising 'this little light of mine' nonstop at home and watching 60 4 year olds singing this really made for a beautiful start to my day!
Afterwards we shared a morning tea with the other kids and their parents back at your classroom.
You're loving your new school and so are we. The teachers are so wonderful, they genuinely care about each and every student and you can tell by the way you're thriving there that they are looking after you well. At home you are constantly doing paintings and drawings to take in for your main teacher, it is so gorgeous. You also wake up asking me to take you to school which is just music to my ears because I would have been so sad if you'd hated school given I loved it so much when I was a kid.
I won't share more photos due to the school policy but here's Matt walking out of the Church afterwards, so proud!!
Love you boys,
Mum xxx

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