Saturday, March 31, 2018

Off to the zoo again!

Dear Matthew and Toby
At the start of the month we headed to the zoo for some nice family time. It was a beautiful day and the zoo itself was really quiet. We managed to get there relatively early and enjoyed looking at the reptiles and penguins to start.
We then headed to the playground and spend a good portion of the morning near the water area. This made your dad and I laugh as when Matt was little we'd come to the zoo and he'd be more interested in the plant life than the animals.
Eventually we moved on from the water area and headed to the Asian rainforest area. We were really lucky to get a close up with the komodo dragon when its keepers were walking it around its enclosure.
After the zoo we also went for a swim at the local pool and Matt you showed your dad how you have learnt to go underwater at your swimming lessons. We are really proud of how much you have learnt in less than a term and how your confidence in the water is growing every week. Toby, you also love just splashing around with me while Matt has his lessons.
Love you boys,
Mum xxx

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