Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Mother's Day school events

Dear Matthew and Toby
In the lead up to Mother's Day this year we attended couple of events run at Matt's school.
The first one was the 'pamper morning' held in your kindy classroom, Matt. Your wonderful teachers organised a few different tables at which the kindy kids could spoil their mums. You painted my nails and applied my eye shadow (somehow I ended up with four eyebrows but you can see from the photos that you took it very seriously) and decorated a flower for me. It was such a cute experience and you were so proud (as was I). When I went to pick you up you gave me a present you'd made (a decorated star holding some smelly salts), a picture you'd drawn of me and a questionnaire you'd filled out about me (see picture below). I particularly loved the questionnaire, as you obviously have been paying attention to what I like (and I think I clearly watch How I Met Your Mother a bit too much!).
The day before Mother's Day we went back to your school for a few hours for the 'Around the World' event. There was of course a blow up obstacle course which you loved and when I raced you on it you became so competitive - you had to beat me!! There were also various stalls set up which had activities at them from particular countries. You enjoyed getting a henna tattoo and attempting some origami at the Asian stand, and decorating my handprint at the Australian stand.
It was so nice to spend this time with you Matt, sometimes it's hard now as Toby is still very little and needs lots of my attention but I hope as he grows older you and I can spend more one-on-one time together like we used to.
Love you beautiful boys,
Mum xxx



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