Wednesday, May 30, 2018

It's May- you know what that means...

Dear Matthew and Toby
Well, it's May again and that means it's time for photos in leaves! Toby you've joined our tradition of having a photo in the leaves outside of Ma Ma and Gramp's house and although I didn't manage to get a photo of the two of you lying in them nicely together, I did get pretty gorgeous ones of you both individually and playing together in them.
As you can see, Toby you are very nearly walking (you have started to take a few steps on your own, in fact at just over eight months you took 7 steps and my mind almost exploded as I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed). You started crawling last weekend, so you officially walked before you crawled, which also seems crazy to me. But my determined boy sets his own schedule. But never in my wildest dreams did I predict that my baby who was born in Spring would be walking the following Autumn. Looking forward to this time next year when you'll both be running through the piles of leaves together.
Love you my precious boys,
Mum xxx


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