Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Mother's Day

Dear Matthew and Toby
This year for Mother's Day we started the day in the same way we did last year by having breakfast at Point Walter Café. Unfortunately nanna was sick so she and Darryl didn't join us but Aunty Chantel, Andrew and your cousins did. Matt, you had a lovely time playing on the playground with them all and then on the jetty and edge of the river afterwards. I loved the pancakes you and I shared and the moment when Harry sneezed which resulted in him then having to have his undies changed by Aunty Chantel!
In the evening we had Ma Ma, Gumps, Aunty Robyn and Kieran over for dinner at our place. We had a roast and Matt, as you had seen your dad pick rosemary to season the lamb, you decided to also pick some to decorate the plates with (and have subsequently asked to do this again at Sunday night dinners). It was a delicious dinner and we gave Ma Ma a strawberry pot with plants in it that you'd helped me plant earlier in the week (ask your dad to tell you the story of how he finally got his hands on that strawberry pot for a good laugh). You had also chosen matching socks with a strawberry design on them.
It was a great day and I felt so lucky to have all my boys spoiling me.
Love you both,
Mum xxx 

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