Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Lachlan's 18th birthday and halloween

Dear Matthew and Toby

In October we celebrated both your cousin Lachlan's 18th birthday and Halloween at my work.

For Lachlan's birthday, Matt and daddy went to dinner at your granddad's local Italian restaurant. Toby and I stayed home as Tobes you still don't like travelling in the car at night. From the photos below you can see you had a wonderful time Matt, and your pizza looked delicious. Your cousin Lachlan has been such a great role model for you both, he has always looked out for you two and we are so lucky to have him as part of our family.

A few weeks later we went trick-or-treating at my work. Luckily your dad had the day off work so brought you down all dressed up. Matt you were dressed as Spiderman and Toby you were a skeleton (although you slept through half of it!). You got into the activities Matt, painting a small pumpkin, doing some colouring in and putting your hand in some boxes filled with 'scary' things. We then went upstairs to the American student's residences and you knocked on all the doors to get your lollies. The decorations were amazing again and you had a fun time seeing everyone's costumes and collecting your stash.

Love you both,

Mum xxx


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