Tuesday, October 30, 2018

School holiday activities

Dear Matthew and Toby

Over the October school holidays we have got up to a lot of fun things together.

Matt, your daddy took you to see Shrek the Musical under the big top one evening, which I'm told you loved, especially the singing donkey. Your daddy sent me the below photos of you and I'm so glad you had fun as Shrek was one of my favourite movies as a kid.

I also signed you up for a couple of free kids sessions run by the City of Melville. The first one was the 'Eagle Lady' show at the Bull Creek Library where we watched a presentation that included two falcons, two owls and an eagle. Matt, at the end you got to hold and touch the eagle, which you really enjoyed. I was gob-smacked that you waited in the very long line for more than 20 minutes for your turn (I had thought you might get bored) but of course you love animals so I really shouldn't be surprised. It was a great morning.

The other thing we did was attend a puppet show run by Constable Care. Matt, you made sure you sat right down the front and you were so good at asking questions of the presenter (including asking who was behind the stage holding the puppets!) and really enthusiastic about the first aid theme of the show.

It was great spending this time with you both.

Love you,

Mum xxx


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