Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Operation Christmas Child

Dear Matthew and Toby

In preparation for Christmas and to help teach the importance of giving, we took part in Operation Christmas Child. This involved us preparing a shoebox for a little boy somewhere in world (who wouldn't otherwise receive Christmas presents) filled with things he would love.

So we headed to K-mart and filled our basket with all sorts of things that were specifically chosen by you, Matt. You loved being in charge of what would go in the shoebox, and chose something to love, something for school, something to play with, something to wear etc. You were so enthusiastic and happy to find just the right things, including the 'key car' that was similar to the one your nanna bought you recently that you love.

We took everything home and wrapped up a shoebox and will make sure it gets collected by the end of the month so it can be shipped overseas by Christmas. We are going to track where it goes and will get email updates on it.

Matt I know you are starting to understand the importance of giving. You know that you are so lucky to have all the toys that you have and that with the privileged position that we are in comes the responsibility to help people, especially at Christmas. In the car the other day you even said that you wanted to go to the shops again to buy something for a kid that isn't going to get something for Christmas, so I know you're learning. Your heart is so big and I am so proud of your generosity of spirit. Tobes, hopefully when you're older and can understand the importance of helping the less fortunate then you'll follow in your big brother's footsteps.

Love you boys,

Mum xxx

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