Tuesday, March 26, 2019

A digger, a movie night and a trip to the zoo

Dear Matthew and Toby

We've been up to some fun lately, and trying to enjoy the beautiful autumn weather that we've been blessed with.

Last week on the way home from the library Tobes, we stopped at a demolition site in Willagee and watched an excavator level an old house. We enjoyed our watermelon together in the car while watching the digger do his best work.

With school starting back we also got along to the school movie night on the oval on a Friday night. Matt you liked lying in your sleeping bag next to your friend Christopher to enjoy the show, Smallfoot. Tobes unfortunately we had to leave after about thirty seconds of the movie starting as the noise was too much for you, but luckily we had anticipated this and brought separate cars so Matt and daddy could still enjoy the show. In any event it was a lovely evening for you Matt and great to get involved in the school community again.

We have also taken a trip to the zoo using our annual passes. In anticipation of our upcoming Japan trip, we took the train to again help you get used to the train Tobes. You're now loving it and we went into the city, over the river on the ferry (which I think may be your first boat ride, and you loved it) and walked through South Perth to the zoo. Matt, you loved using the zoo map you were given to find your way around the zoo and the snakes in the reptile enclosure. Tobes, you loved seeing all the different types of monkeys.

It's been a great past few weeks that's for sure!

Love you boys,

Mum xxx


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