Monday, March 25, 2019

Breakfast by the river

Dear Matthew and Toby

A few weeks ago we headed down to Zephyr's cafe on the river in Bicton for breakfast with your granddad. It was the most perfect Spring day and Matt you got into your usual milkshake accompanied by a jelly cup. We all had a yummy breakfast and caught up with granddad.

Tobes, you and I played on the sand for a while before we headed to the playground then back out onto the river's edge where we all built sandcastles together. The sand at this particular spot is great for sandcastles because it's very closed to the ocean and has little fragments of shells in it, so it's not super grainy. Matt you built a sandcastle with tunnels through it and Tobes you enjoyed bashing them over.

It was a beautiful morning down by the river together!

Love you both,

Mum xxx

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