Friday, May 31, 2019

Mother's Day 2019

Dear Matthew and Toby

For Mother's Day this year we started with our traditional breakfast with your nanna and your dad's side of the family at Point Walter. You had yummy pancakes and milkshakes and enjoyed playing on the playground nearby.

Afterwards we headed down to the riverbank and you both enjoyed playing with your cousins. Tobes, as one point you were almost completely submerged underwater, and luckily your cousin Ella was nearby so I called out and scooped you up, but that's why in the photos below you're just in a nappy and hat!

In the afternoon we visited your great-nanna for afternoon tea. Nan has dementia now unfortunately but it was lovely to visit her and catch up with your dad's aunty and uncle who happened to stop by then too. You boys enjoyed playing with the toys at your great-grandparents house and happily wandered around their garden.

In the evening my side of the family came over and we had a lovely dinner celebrating Ma Ma. It was a wonderful day celebrating all the mothers in our lives and I know you're both so lucky to be surrounded by such caring, compassionate women.

Love you boys,

Mum xxx



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