Friday, May 31, 2019

The leaves are 'ere!

Dear Matthew and Toby

Being May, it was time for your annual leaves photos in Ma Ma and Gump's front yard!

This year was way easier than last year, with you both being relatively happy to lie down in the leaves and have your photos taken, and I was grateful to have it done within about five minutes and with zero tears (albeit with a few complaints still). You are both growing so quickly but I'm so happy we started this tradition so that I can see you change as the seasons also change.

We also did a few nice family things over the weekend. We took a lovely walk up to our usual playground at Morris Buzzacott and on the way back I took the photos of you below Tobes, sitting in 'the bush' as we call it (which is really just the block across the street from us). On Sunday evening we went to Maccas for an ice-cream (and I quickly crammed for a test I had the next day for my Masters) and you both had another play in its playground there too. You're both at such great ages and it's wonderful that it's getting easier and easier to do things with you.

Love you boys,

Mum xxx


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