Thursday, August 29, 2019

Matt's first merit certificate

Dear Matthew and Toby

Matt, you recently were awarded your first merit certificate at school! Your beautiful teacher Mrs Bollen awarded you this certificate for your enthusiasm and confidence when telling news. I was so proud of how far you have come during Pre-Primary, you are really coming out of your shell and it is wonderful to witness. I love that you are becoming more social and happy to tell everyone what's been happening in your life.

We kept it a secret from you that you were being awarded the certificate and it was worth it to see the huge smile on your face when Mrs Bollen read your name (first one up out of the whole school!). You proudly held your certificate in front of you while the rest of the names were read.

Ma Ma, Gumps and Grandad all came along too to watch and were also so proud of you!

Love you boys,

Mum xxx


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