Thursday, August 29, 2019

Operation Christmas Child

Dear Matthew and Toby

Well it's (coming up to) that time again! In preparation for Christmas this year we have decided to do another shoebox for Operation Christmas Child. We chose to put together a shoebox for a boy in a developing country who is your age, Matt. Tobes, once you're old enough to understand, we will also do a shoebox for a boy your age.

So we headed to K-Mart and you chose 6 things that you wanted to put in your shoebox, Matt. You chose pencils for school, a ball to play with, a toy cow to cuddle, a hat to wear, lego to build and toothbrushes for hygiene.

It was lovely to see you so enthusiastic about filling the box. Last year we tried to instill in you the importance of giving at Christmas and it was obvious that this lesson had still stuck, as you were very keen to put things in the shoebox for the child and not for yourself.

Tobes, unfortunately you have taken a bit of a liking to the toy cow that Matt chose so I think we may need to find a replacement before it's shipped off!

Again, I hope you always remember the importance of giving, especially at Christmas. With privilege comes the responsibility to give back where you can. You will always be remembered by what you give (material things, money, time) rather than what you accumulate. And there is always a great joy that we receive ourselves when we give. In giving we experience the magic of connection and love for our fellow humans.

Love you boys,

Mum xxx

P.S. I love your selfie at the end of the photos Matt!



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