Thursday, August 29, 2019

Learning Journey and Colour Run

Dear Matthew and Toby

Recently at Matt's school there has been the Learning Journey evening and a fund-raising Colour Run event.

The Learning Journey was once again a wonderful opportunity to get to see what you have been up to in your classroom Matt. We went through all sorts activities together, such as telling the time and playing Celebrity Heads with coins instead of people. I also got to see all the cool stuff you have been making, such as a planet out of paper mache and a booklet about your place in the world. We also headed down to your library where you showed me how you do drawing and recordings on an iPad and then play it back to me. We also looked through your Science and Music rooms (Tobes you especially loved playing all the musical instruments).

A day later you had the Colour Run at school. This was a new event this year which raised money for your school's nature playground (and also presents for underprivileged kids at Christmas). All the kids dressed up in white and ran through the obstacle course, getting covered in colourful chalk and foam. A few days before the event you had been saying that you weren't sure you were going to take part (which would have been fine of course) but on the day you absolutely loved it! As you can see from the photos below, you were covered in colour and came home telling me you looked like the Hulk because you were so green :) I hope your school does the event again next year.

Love you boys,

Mum xxx

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