Thursday, December 26, 2019

December 1st Dinner

Dear Matthew and Toby

As per tradition, at the start of this month we had my side of the family over to put up our Christmas tree with us (or in this year's case, help us finish it off and then help put up our Christmas lights outside) and have our first Christmas ham of the season. Of course we watched Christmas Vacation together too. 

For the first year, we also welcomed an elf to our family, Bonkers. He will get to up mischief this month I'm sure! He wrote you both a letter saying he'll be here just until Christmas, then he'll come back again next December 1st. 

We also aren't able to get a photo with a Santa at a shopping centre, so Gramps dressed up as Santa and had a photo with you both to prevent you having a breakdown Tobes. It still took a little persuading to get you to sit on his knee given he was all dressed up but we got there in the end. Mama needs her Santa photo, one way or the other!

We had a yummy dinner together with the family and I like to think I'm getting better at the Christmas ham glazing :)

It was a lovely night and we definitely got more in the spirit of Christmas as a result!

Love you both, 

Mum xxx

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