Thursday, December 26, 2019

School Dance Concert, missing teeth and a new karate belt

Dear Matthew and Toby

The start of December has proven to be very busy as usual! On the first Friday we had your dance concert Matt. You performed a routine at the local high school to the song 'I'm a Believer'. You enjoued performing but didn't like the noise of the theatre so you and daddy left after your performance but Toby enjoyed dancing along with the other performances (I thought I would have been the one leaving early with Toby!). You looked very cute in your 'party outfit' with your bow tie and enjoyed busting a move with your classmates. All your grandparents came along, along with your dad's Aunty Margaret who has been over visiting from the UK. Afterwards we all had pizza together back at our place. 

You've also lost both your front teeth recently Matt, which is timely as we now get to sing 'All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth...' to you. I love your gappy smile. You also had your karate grading and went up a belt to yellow belt - so proud of you!

Love you my beautiful boys, 

Mum xxx

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