Thursday, December 26, 2019

Pre-Primary Class Party and Christmas baking

Dear Matthew and Toby

December contiues to be super busy! We had your end-of-year class party recently Matt and by the end of it not one mother had a dry eye! Your beautiful teachers have been extraordinary this year and we are so grateful. You have been so lucky to have Mrs Bollen twice Matt. She is such a wonderful soul and I have all my fingers and toes crossed that Toby gets her as his teacher too when the time comes for him to start his schooling. Anyway, Santa visited the classroom and gave you each a book as a present, then Mrs Bollen read out awards that predicted what you would be when you grow up. Given your awesome dance moves Matt, you were predicted to be a rockstar! Afterwards we had some yummy treats together to finish up the year. 

We have also been doing a heap of baking, as per tradition. All three of us have been making our usual reindeer biscuits, and we had your cousins over recently for our annual cousin Christmas cookie decorating. Your aunty Robyn also made the gingerbread house that she makes with you both every year and you had a great time decorating it with the huge variety of lollies she had available. 

Make sure you check out all the photos from my December posts, as that cheeky elf Bonkers has also been getting up to tricks throughout, and we snapped some of his antics!

Love you boys, can't wait for another Christmas with you!

Mum xxx


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