Friday, May 29, 2020

Beach visit and a special Anzac Day

Dear Matthew and Toby

Luckily during the whole of our lockdown, beaches and rivers were never off limits in Western Australia, so long as we observed social-distancing protocols. Given our expansive coastline, it was easy enough for us to visit the dog beach recently with Soda and enjoy some time in the sun before the weather changed.

You both loved playing in the sand and while the water was a bit chilly, you had a great time playing on the shoreline. Soda loved running around with all the other dogs. It has been great to be able to still get outside and enjoy nature - in some countries people have had to stay inside their small apartments for weeks on end, and were fined if they left their houses for exercise. As I've said in earlier posts, we are living in the best place in the world during this pandemic.

At the end of April we also recognized ANZAC Day in a very special way. Given people still aren't allowed to gather in big groups like we would at a normal ANZAC Day service, people were asked to stand at the end of their driveways at 6am and light a candle, while listening to the service over the radio. Toby and I got up to do this, and of all the ANZAC services I've been to, this was by far the most memorable and overwhelming. Standing at the end of our driveway, looking down our street at the flickering flames of our neighbours' candles, hearing the Last Post play from every conceivable corner of our suburb was truly a magical moment in time. We were standing alone, and yet I have never felt more connected to our community. And all of that with daddy and you safely tucked away in bed only metres away Matt, so no commute back home afterwards! I hope they continue this tradition even when the lockdown is over. It will be a wonderful way for those that can't always make it to the dawn service (which will be us next year given we'll have a new bub) to still be able to take part.

Love you boys,

Mum xxx

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