Friday, May 29, 2020


Dear Keene Kids

That time of year has come around again, and we had your annual 'photos in the leaves' outside your grandparents' house this month. When we went into lockdown I remember chatting to Ma Ma and Gumps about how we may have to do our leaves photos in their front yard while they looked out through the windows, but came to the conclusion that I'd rather not do them at all then have that scenario, as it all seemed to sad. Gratefully we have found ourselves living in the safest place in the world during a global pandemic, so you can freely enjoy running through the leaves with your grandparents without worrying about the implications of doing so. 

It was a fun photoshoot, you both seemed to be ok with me taking your annual shots, although dare I say it next year may be a bit tricky trying to get three kidliwinks to all smile for the camera surrounded by leaves! Bring on the challenge haha!

Love you, 

Mum xxx


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